Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back from Western Australia!

What an absolute ball! Catching up with my sister & nephew was so much fun. Plus it gave me a chance to get plenty of photos so I can scrapbook some more, I was getting low on photos. My Mr. Was also enjoying the time off from work also.

My little nephew aka Moon Pie, has just had his first operation in early October he suffered from a condition called Craniosynostosis. This is a birth defect that causes one or more sutures on a baby's head to close earlier than normal. The skull of an infant or young child is made up of bony plates that allow for growth of the skull. The borders at which these plates intersect are called sutures or suture lines. The sutures between these bony plates normally close by the time the child is 2 or 3 years old.

Early closing of a suture causes the baby to have an abnormally shaped head. Which in unbeknown to us we thought he had the most gorgeous features, yes we are biased but still he looked very very normal to us per operation... Moon Pie had Mild Metopic Craniosynostosis.
See for yourself, cute no?
and now check his gorgeous face out, after his operation.

He has the most cutest round face ever now. So hence the nickname, Moon Pie. Not only was it exciting to see them but it was my first trip on a plane sine I was five years old. I highly recommend not watching Air crash investigations before flying though! Yes I was silly enough to do that. I found it educational though, like how to select your seats, things the plane is or isn't supposed to do etc. I was mesmerised by the "snow" forming on my window as we were flying over the Great Australian Bite. Mr. Was concerned that I was a little crazy because I was telling hi how  I knew that it was forming as our altitude was high and we were heading into a cold front. Yes the crazy things you pick up on TV.
I flew pretty well I reckon, on the Monday it was just a relaxing day a littleScrapbooking and arty discussions about Scrapbooking and she art, then some time to sort out what we were going to do for the week we were staying. Then off around town we ventured, I dipped my feet into the Indian Ocean now i can say i have been in two different oceans. We also climbed some look out tower, this is one of the views from the top.
Tuesday was Melbourne Cup which was unusual as the race was run at Lunchtime over in Perth. Tuesday was also Copic's with Carolyn day, and boy did I have a blast teaching 6 wonderful attentive ladies. I was grateful for all the compliments on my teaching style. I always get very nervous if its a bigger class, I try to get everyone going at the same speed, and I always encourage questions. Questions are vital in the way we learn. To me today's class was huge, I've never had that many people in a Copic's class. 
Wednesday was exploration day, we travelled to Margaret river region and visited the Duckstein Brewery for Mr. and we also stopped in and had a fabulous lunch at the Bootleg Brewery. To top it all off we then visited the famous Simmo's Ice creamery which no one "over east" knows of. 

Thursday - Mr. and I headed up to Armadale near Perth, oh the drive was long and boring!! 2.5hrs whilst Mr. Slept most of it. We pit-stopped in Haynes, only to find our end destination was two mins more up the road. Then back down to the south west coast of WA. That night we tried Chili Dogs from Joe's pizzeria, it's like heaven in a pizza dough coating, it amazes me how someone can come up with something so tasty, you can choose how hot you want your chili 1 being a tickle on your younger 10 being the hottest, what number do you think I went??? 10 of course, Mr. And I shared the goodness. It was a hot hot mess. I don't regret it at all. 

Friday - Was a day of rest and we made the decision to go fishing. What a great idea that was! I was jumping around in the water with Moon Pie, till I saw a large grey fin in the water! Grabbing Moon Pie and telling Mr. there was a shark, he laughed and said seriously, you are a Blonde! I'm standing there shocked, Why?? I replied, Mr. calmly said its a dolphin! how exciting, it was playing around the boats that had anchored in the small harbour. Still it was enough for me to be a little more intimidated of the water!

Think he is having fun? I then managed to put a rusty hook through my finger! So, off to the Drs I went to get a tetnus shot.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Dusty Attic - Design Team Entry #4

Last but not least I challanged myself to do the Dusty Attic Sketch challenge and used the oppurtunity to do the Sketch as my

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Teaching Copics in Bunbury, WA!

So very excited to be asked by Emma from Scrap Goodies in Western Australia to teach a class for her store. I have never been to Western Australia and the last time I flew was when I was 5! That was an international flight. Have a look at the gorgeous ad she had designed;

The class was fully booked within 2 days! I was absolutely stoked and honoured.