Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Life gets interesting, very quickly.

I ran into someone that I knew from my teens. I was the girl that was over shadowed by the louder ones, yeah I was loud myself but I mean the louder ones! The one that had 200% more confidence then I did.

So to cut to the chase, we went on a date and I am totally smitten! He even drove me to work so he could see me. Gentleman right there!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Moving to Perth...

Whilst my holiday was great, I had the discussion with my little sister about moving in with her in the little town of Bunbury. So excited about the move, let the count down begin!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sn@p - review and project!

I recently purchased a sn@p folder kit from Scrapgoodies. I had heard so much about the kit and also about the project life items that I thought I would give it a go. I googled around at a couple of crafters work, but I can't say that one of them really stood out for me. 

I've been a traditional scrapbooker for just under five years and I was left bored and dumbfounded at the "hot new way to scrap". I can see how you could over embellish the sections of this medium but  was unable to bring myself to use more then washi tape, journaling, thickers and layers of coordinating papers.

I had taken a ton of photos of Ryan and Emma when I was over here last in November.  Emma had taken me to Bunbury Tower, Margaret River, and Dunsborough.

I completed the whole albumn in under 4 hours. It's a simple way to scrap for crafters that are unable to spend hours in the craft room.

All my supplies used for this project were from 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hope is lost - She Art

I'm crafting up a storm again over here in WA. Visiting my sister is so much fun! We can craft for hours. Whilst she was updating her website today,  I was looking at you tube videos and blogs about she art. I asked Emma if she had a spare canvas laying about. She did!

I have used the Kaisercraft 75cent Range papers and collectables, Kaisercraft pearl flourish, Prima flowers, Ruby Rocket Trimmings, American crafts thickers. 

This is what I came up with, I call it "Hope is Lost".

Monday, June 17, 2013

Oxford Lane - Assemblage Clock

arrived in perth yesterday and we were straight into crafting! Emma let me raid the shop and purchase some new goodies before they went up online. I love doing off the page projects, and couldn't resist this assemblage clock from Tim Holtz. I love the little blurb/definitions that Tim Holtz puts on his products

ASSEMBLAGE CLOCK: A hollowed clock for collecting and displaying timeless trinkets.

I started by painting the  base of it with Kaisercraft Acrylic Paint, added papers from My Minds Eye - Kate & Co - Oxford Lane.  Prima flowers, Pink Paislee Hope Chest collection butterflies. HOC lilly  flowers. Random charms from Emmas personal stash.

Heres a clearer side view of the clock.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Western Australia again, here I come!

Here I am sitting on a Virgin flight to Perth for a much needed holiday. This has to be the most crappiest flight I  have been on recently. The reason I'm still working away on my blog is the fact that there has been some technical difficulties with the aircraft, mind you they tell you this after your strapped in and the doors are locked.

I arrived at Sydney domestic terminal at 5:15am this morning for my 6:30 flight. I was nervous enough about travelling alone and just wanted this to go as quickly and smoothly as it could. but Murphy's law tells us that things just never go to plan. When I boarded this plane this morning, the sun hadn't started to come up yet, so here is the sunrise sitting at gate 42 at Sydney airport.

Edited to add;  Flight arrived an hour late and my headrest TV didn't even work! I was disappointed in the fact that I asked the stewardess to fix my TV and she said just sit where I  was and plug into the next seats headset. I got to watch one movie this way, SAFE HAVEN! Brilliant, very emotional! I find it funny how just watching scenes from a movie, or just hearing a line from a movie can get you so emotionally involved and moved by it. I am a big girlly girl when it comes to movies like this. I had had a big arse cry about it!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Suddenly 30!

Today is my thirtieth Birthday!

I celebrated with my most fav cousins on earth! I was treated to lunch at Penrith Panthers, they have a great little noodle bar in there. I got some awesome balloons that my god son picked just for his there was fairys, dinosaurs and butterfly printed on them and not to mention the blatantly obvious 30 balloon.


I also received a gorgeous watch from a very special guy in my life. Spoilt me! Pierre Cardin goodness!!

Most recently you may have noticed that I have been blogging about Project Hotness. I chose an outfit that would compliment my personality and show off a pic of my style. Teal is my colour of choice lately,  and crocheted clothes make up most of my cardigans too. 

My gorgeous and charming god son, Alexander. He is my special little guy.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blue Bird - Off the Page - DT ENTRY #2

Another Birdhouse, I layered gorgeous vintage lace over the roof, and added a huge glass crystal to the front. The Kaisercraft base coat papers were a hit with the recipient of this birdhouse. Some items I have used is Krafty Savers ribbon, Kaisercraft bingo cards, prima flowers, Kaisercraft doilies, Kaisercraft blossoms and mini blooms, Kaisercraft resin flowers and some green tara blooms.

This is another entry to the scrapgoodies design team

Monday, May 27, 2013

Secret Admirer - High School Sweethearts

I love this photo of my best friend and her husband on there wedding day, I had the pleasure of going to school with both of them. Its funny how they found themselves after high school. So technically can you even call them high school sweet hearts?

I used the Secret admirer range in papers, Kaisercraft Washi Tape, Secret Admirer Icon die-cuts and Doily die-cuts, Junkshop Buttons.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Off the Page - Bird House

Loving the new wood style papers from brands such as Kaiser, MME and more at the moment. They provide a great background to simple off the page projects. I wanted to design a bird house that is life like and also provides a warm and ornamental feel to the piece.

Side View:

Used: MME Papers, Bo Bunny Flowers, Green Tara Flowers, Kaisercraft Doilies, Kaisercraft Paint, Kaisercraft Birdhouse, Kaisercraft wooden flourishes, Kaisercraft Resin Flowers, Junk Store Buttons.

This project is one of my entries to the Scrapgoodies Design Team

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Whats Cooking Good Looking - Wednesday Night

Pork Stiryfry, Im getting lazy with my cooking... Everything seems to be stir fry. I do like the flavours I add to the mix and the face there is so much veggies there is no need to have Rice or noodles.

What I used - 
Diced Pork cut into smaller portions
Red Capsicum
Brown Onion
Baby Spinach
Baby Corn
Snow Peas
Dash of Oyster Sauce
Powdered Vegetable Stock
Dash of Soy Sauce

Not long now! 18 days and counting

I am still one of those people who love there birthday no matter what. This year is the big 3-0!
And Vegas baby here I come, ok maybe not Vegas, Vegas, maybe Bris-Vegas, or better yet so I don't have to travel far, Sydney's Star Casino! What did you want to do for your dirty thirty?

Limited Edition but oh so tasty!

They say good things come to those who wait, Ive waited for a tasty treat like this for a while now and am just sad that it is only a limited edition! They are quite addictive, I couldnt stop at one, but $2.73 for a bag of roughly 15 gummy bears it was an expensive treat for me :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Work In Progress - Birds of a Feather

Each November, the legendary Festival of Fisher's Ghost comes alive in Campbelltown. The festival is steeped in history, dating back to 1956. The annual event is named after Australia's most famous ghost, Frederick Fisher, and celebrates the legend of the sighting of his ghost, back in 1826. Held over 10 days, the festival features the spectacular Street Parade, the prestigious Fisher's Ghost Art Award, the Fisher's Ghost Fun Run, a Street Fair, Craft Exhibition, open days and a giant carnival with fireworks.
Be part of the legend and enjoy the many events on offer - if you dare. 2013 festival dates can be found on the official website the link is as follows Fishers Ghost Official Home Page

My work in progress for the Campbelltown Fishers Ghost Festival.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meet Strax! Gold Severum Cichlid

This is my new little guy, ok he is hardly little, he is a 5.5" Gold Severum. He is a South American Cichlid. They have a semi-agressive temperament and can even be hand fed. It takes them a little while to get used to there surroundings. If you go close to the tank his eyes go blood red and he breaks out in this amazing dark orange pattern, I have been keeping my distance for the moment. Don't want to get him to stressed out. 

If you can see in the picture in the top right corner, I also have 4 x 1" Convict cichlids and a Bristlenose in there as well.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Whats Cooking, Good Looking - Tuesday Night

Satay Chicken w/ Brown rice and steamed veggies

Another recipe from the Diabetic Living winter warmers special. Satay chicken. One of my all time favourite Chinese dishes.

What I used

Sunrice - Brown rice individual serves.
Sugar Snapped Peas
Home made satay sauce from recipe
Chicken tenders cut to pieces

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Project Hotness - Less 3kg! Now 95kg!

So I started out on a challenge to get myself all clean and healthy before I'm thirty. I wanted to be more active, which I have done since the start of the year. I have been doing so much research of late on diabetes too to find what foods are really beneficial to a diabetic for optimum energy levels and help with weight loss. I stumbled across the Paleo diet, also known as the cave man diet. Basically anything that is harvest and grown agriculturally, is a no no. e.g. potatoes and rice.

I befriended another walker who I had passed quite regularly on my morning and on my evening walks. He has been quite a inspiration for me, he walks to relieve stress and encourages me to walk to loose those couple extra kilos Ive been storing since getting out of the big house (hospital). Although I should have worn a tighter top to show off my newer leaner figure!

Im happy to say Im so please with myself being under 100kgs now, I was never proud of my weight but I always believe you have to love the body you were given, although mine has been through such a rough trot the last 5years Im happy to say Im very well looked after now! 

So why the title? Another good friend of mine had ask what I had been doing as my lovely selfies that I had posted on some social media, were looking rather "hot" - well that was a compliment and a half from him! So in turn I decided that this was a perfect name for my very own personal project to better myself.

Need more info on the Paleo Diet? Here is some great links to check out with information and even recipes to follow

The beginners guide to the Paleo Diet - I found this website the most factual and helped me understand the basic guidelines to the diet. Plus, how cute are the little lego men! 

Multiply Delicious! - This is basically foodporn with a capital F! This lady has the most amazing recipes to try, I have tried most, they are scrumptious!

Project Hotness 
To keep a fit and healthy lifestyle and be able to show my beautiful body off, scars and all!
Hard work and dedication is the key, I don't want lazy days. I need to be strong willed

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Whats Cooking, Good Looking? Monday

Sesame Pork Medallions with asian greens and Hokkien Noodles

This was a receipe out of Diabetic Living - Part of there winter warmers issue. I had a look at it and it seemed like a really easy recipe to follow and tasty too of course!

What I used:

Pork Medallions
Sesame Seeds
Soy Sauce
Hokkien Noodles
Bok Choy
Baby Corn
Sugar Snapped Peas

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Whats Cooking Good Looking - NOT FOR DIABETICS!

So I was really bored at my mothers house today and couldnt find anything constructive to do whilst visiting so what better way then to bake some cakes! I went a little over board :D


Sweet Hearts - With butter cream icing

Cake Pops: Trial Run - Devils food cake

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Tattoo! The White Rabbit

As some of you are aware, I like tattoos. I always have and I suppose, I always will.  I decided quite a while ago to get the right foot done too. I looked incomplete with only one foot done!  I knew what I was getting even before I had gotten my left foot done. Im a big believer in getting body art that you love and that has a meaning to the person, Im not one of those tattoo fans that just get work done willy nilly, mine have been in place since I cant remember when. All my tattoos have meaning and I gladly tell people to really think about what you are getting, I don't see myself as part of the ink generation. I am using my tattoos for inspiration and meaning to who I am.

Do tattoo's hurt? Of course they do! Why would you think that oscillating needles wouldn't hurt? If your thinking about getting some art done, think about the pain. I am lucky I have a extraordinarily high pain threshold. 

I wasn't actually planning on getting a tattoo today, I just saw an opportunity and took it. I walked in to Inkhouse at Macarthur Square and the wonderful Marty decided he wanted to take on my foot. He told me there was a lot of work in the shading and outline of this piece. In keeping with tradition of my previous tattoos (The Mad Hatter on my left foot) I went alice in wonderland inspired. 

What the white rabbit means to me; Im never on time! Im always late (well apart from going to work).
So here is the final product, still a little bloody and Red, excuse my chipped nailpolish as well - not a good look! My Tattoo is not shaded like normal, this one here was all hand etched every little detailed line was covered. Marty did such an awesome job!

My big arse man feet all pretty and finished! A Little blurry but will take some cute ones when its all healed. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Family Holidays - YAY Moonpie and My sister came to visit!

Moon Pie and Me chilling on the bed, he was stoked he got to play with aunties phone

Pullling Silly Faces for the camera, We tend to go a little crazy when we see each other!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

This is the Pavlova I decorated in easter theme! I cracked open a hollow chocolate egg, and dolloped whipped cream and then some passionfruit in there to resemble a cracked egg.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

New Tattoo - The Mad Hatter

So I went with my cousins to the Sydney Tattoo expo. There was more clean skins there then I had expected, I went presuming there was an abundance of bikkies, druggies and housos. Yes that was stereotypical of me but that is how i perceived a tattoo expo.

I had had this tattoo planned for so long I cant remember when I first started thinking about it. What the mad hatter means to me; Im a little crazy sometimes, but I'm passionate about what I do and want. He's hate also states, "InStyle 10/6" which funnily enough is my birthdate!

Artist was Jamie Sunday from Collective Ink Tattoo in Redbank Queensland. He was also the nicest tattooist there, he had open booking for the Sunday, and most other tattooist looked at what we wanted and just said "no". Patiently waiting! My cousins were behind the camera for most of these shots.

Preperation; applying the image and getting ready for the fun to begin!

In the beginning, Jamie starting the outlining of the mad hatter.

Outline done, this is about 45mins in to it, they say the outline is the most painful part of it.

Now to start on the shading. This poor artist sat like this for more then 1 1/2 hours!

All Done! What do you think? I think he is very very me! I need to get my nails done! This picture is a great reminder of that.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Another working progress - Competition Piece

From all the vintage cabochons I have created lately. This has to be one of my favourite ones. Teaming it with Miyuki seed beads and Maria George 3mm pearls, I have so much work to do on this as it will be for the Sydney Royal Easter Show 2014 entry. This is all you will get to see of this piece unfortunately till its completed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

These boots were made for walking... So that just what ill do!

I love my new marshmallow shoes, I call them that because its like you are walking on your own little pockets of marshmallow! These were a steal at $49.95 from my local Payless shoes. Im not to sure about the colour but they are just so comfy to wear when I go for my night walks or morning walks.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Vintage Cabochons

I decided I had a heap of crafty stuff left over from when my store shutdown that I need to creat something out of my favourite collections that I had kept. These little beauties are going to be quite a few necklaces. I have big plans for a couple of them already! Which one is your favourite?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Wedding Invitations - Work related

I was asked to design a wedding invitation that was beachy, no shells or starfish and no ribbons, just something plain and that can be posted in a box. The wedding was to be held out at Cronulla Beach. My ideas started to go wild but here is what I had come up with...

Stardream Cream Card. Handmade papers, Silk orchid and some strategically placed raffia.